ENT | Medilife
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Our ENT Facilities

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Our team of skilled urologists leverages state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and advanced treatment techniques to provide compassionate care for a wide range of urologic problems.

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What We



We are committed to providing exceptional care for patients who require a Septoplasty. This procedure is used to correct a deviated nasal septum, a common condition that can cause breathing difficulties through Nose. Our skilled team of surgeons uses advanced techniques to straighten the septum and restore normal airflow, all within a comfortable and caring environment. The procedure is done Endoscopically, without any external incision/ scar mark. We pride ourselves on our personalized approach, ensuring that every patient receives the individual attention they deserve.



Medilife Superspeciality Hospital is a pioneer in providing quality tympanoplasty procedures to patients suffering from eardrum perforations or chronic otitis media. Our adept team of ENT surgeons utilizes state-of-the-art facilities to carry out this delicate procedure, with a keen focus on preserving or restoring hearing function.Endoscopic tympanoplasty is done. Patients are cared for in a warm, understanding environment, with a focus on their overall health and well-being. 


Thyroid Surgery

We offer comprehensive care for patients requiring thyroid surgery. Whether for conditions such as goiter, bening or malignant thyroid nodules, hyperthyroidism,hypothyroidism etc. our skilled surgeons with over 10 years of experience ensure precise treatment and speedy recovery. We provide a compassionate environment, understanding that each patient's journey is unique, and we tailor our care to meet their specific needs.


Head & Neck Onco Surgery

Our multidisciplinary team of expert oncosurgeons, ENT surgeons, plastic surgeons, and other healthcare professionals work together to provide the most effective treatment plan for cancer patients. We use the latest surgical and non-surgical practices, personalized to each patient's condition, ensuring optimal outcomes. Our patient-first approach, coupled with our advanced facilities, provides a supportive and healing environment for those battling cancer.


Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)

Our highly experienced ENT surgeons carry out FESS to subdue chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, and related  diseases. This minimally invasive procedure uses an endoscope to navigate the nasal passages and sinus cavities, reducing recovery time and postoperative discomfort. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care, from initial consultation through recovery, making the patient's journey as comfortable as possible.


Mastoid Surgery

It is a procedure designed to treat infections in the mastoid bone of the ear. Using the most advanced surgical techniques, our team ensures the removal of diseased tissues, preventing further complications and promoting healthy recovery. At Medilife, we believe in a patient-centric approach, where comfort and safety are our utmost priorities.


Parotid Surgery

Parotid gland disorders are treated at Medilife with the utmost expertise and care. Our specialists perform parotid surgeries to address conditions like , benign and malignant tumours of parotid, sialolithiasis   the parotid glands and its duct. Using  advanced surgical methods, we strive to preserve facial nerve function while treating the underlying condition effectively. Our patient-centred care model ensures individual attention and comfort throughout the treatment process.

"Medilife is one of the best hospitals in Dehradun. I visited the hospital with my relatives and we are very satisfied with the treatment we got.”

Please Note

While the information provided about our ENT facilities and treatments is general, it's important to understand that each person's treatment may vary. We encourage you to schedule an appointment and visit us for a personalized diagnosis tailored to your specific needs.

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